War between Estrella and Heineken
And what does Peter Dinklage and lettering have to do with that?

During my last trip to Spain, lettering stalked me everywhere.
I observed a lot of awesome signboards of cozy Spanish shops, where local sellers smiled amiably at me. And mostly, I was pleased that I myself draw in similar commercial styles.
Just imagine, I'm walking around Spain, and it feels like I see my students’ works from my courses.That reminded me of one phenomenal case, and I asked my Instagram followers if they would like to read more about it. And, as you already got it, many of them would like to get deeper into details. And now I’m going to reveal the most intriguing facts about the Spanish brand Estrella Damm advertising campaign. Are you ready?

What did Estrella Damm do and why?
Right away, let me introduce the naughty Estrella Damm, a Spanish beer company. If you pay close attention, you will notice that their symbols are somehow similar to those of Heineken. With only difference that their star is gold, instead of red. Take a look.

Yes, the big brands can afford “star wars”.
Surely, market experts and designers took it close to heart because the competitor applied a similar visual solution. And it might be fine if they sold baby diapers. But no - we are talking about beer. And this time the Estrella Damm took serious measures which were noticed all around the world.

When such big companies launch an advertising campaign, they think over each detail and map out everything.
Especially since the time when massive brands started to link their products to human emotions, the same way art does it. Now I’m going to explain this the way, you’ll immediately understand everything.
- If I ask you: “What product first comes to your mind when you hear the word "fresh"? You will answer: “Surely, Mentos”! Did you catch the point?
- The same way Nokia does with its “Connecting people”.
- And Coca-Cola is not just a soda – it “opens happiness”.
Such examples can be given all day long, and there is no limit to them.

In our design studio, we create commercial design – exactly the one, that brings you profit.

Brands create emotions and images
So, the point is that brands create emotions and images –their products penetrate into our life, into the concepts and categories which are the way we think. Into our emotions, feelings and experiences.
And they use everything that can be helpful – from slogans to subtle elements of design. From labels on bottles to lines that actors say in advertisements. This is exactly what the company Estrella Damm applied. And they did it so powerfully, that it resonated all over the world. And what have they done?
They entered the “enemy’s” territory. Estrella Damm took the same associations that Heineken uses, and linked them to their own brand. They even shot a 16-minute film, where in the first scenes, the city of Amsterdam is shown with its typical Dutch architecture, that, in majority of viewers, immediately triggered thoughts like: “But we did not know that Estrella is a Dutch brand”.

What a scene! Have you noticed, what an interesting font they used for the product title? I will tell you about it further.
But that was only the tip of the iceberg, which was created by Estrella Damm marketing specialists in an attempt to drown the “Heineken Titanic”. Let's see what tricks and techniques they used in their campaign.

Main features of Estrella Damm advertising campaign.
It’s time to call in big guns. Not only did Estrella shot this 16-minute film, titled “Our life” – about a Spanish city, and about a person, who left it for Amsterdam, but still keeps warm feelings toward his motherland. Making a movie was not just enough. You ask me – what is missing? That’s right – a superstar.
And, as a star, they invited an actor from “Games of the thrones” - Peter Dinklage. Yeah, he is “that dwarf Lannister” – one of the most popular characters in the movie. He plays the part that reminds of the “Ghost of Christmas Past” from the Charles Dickens’s novel. He talks with the main character and shows him his past and present making him think about the woman he loved and about how he should enjoy life.

The result is 15 million views on YouTube
It is not bad, is it?
And the entire movie gets across the idea – to enjoy life to the fullest, to be as “cool” as the Dinklage’s character, it is just enough to drink Estrella Damm. Even the name of the beer sounds similar to Amsterdam, there is nothing to add.
We admit that the impact was tremendous.
But not everyone noticed that the whole picture is based on updated design which brings lightness and a feeling of freedom to the entire advertising campaign. Yes, I’m talking about the lettering style used by the Estrella Damm company.

Did you pay attention to the lettering style?
Right away, let’s look at examples. You have already seen the lettering in the first scenes of the movie. Now, let’s take a close look at other examples. They are made in the same style and complement the message of the brand.

Would you also like to beat the hell out of your competitors?

Lettering is not made “just for the sake of beauty”
It might seem that lettering is made "just for the sake of beauty". But it is not. Imagine how much time and effort it took designers, market specialists, movie-makers, and even actors to launch this campaign. I'll tell you from my experience that when high stakes are gambled, nothing is done “just for the sake of beauty”.
Designers have chosen this particular style, lettering artists drew sketches, got them approved, and put them into work. Most likely, there were several versions, and they tested, which one can trigger the proper emotions and associations in people. And eventually, they picked the exact version that suited best for their goals.

When a curve of a letter determines everything
This is typical for big companies – once I came across a case when the BMW brand collectively discussed which curve of the letter “R” triggers the proper associations in men to make them buy the brand-new car model. Can you imagine that?
And while in Russia the word "lettering" still seems wild and incomprehensible, large and world-famous companies need experts in this field. Lettering artist is a demanded profession to those who are ready to work on important projects, earn on art, and not to draw just for yourself until it kills any desire to work.

On the course “The vector lettering” at our TrueArtSchool we study exactly these lettering styles,
